上出任務,專業的事,找專業的人 專業的事,找專業的人


May Hsieh

接案身分: 專職SOHO

上線時間: 3天前

接案地點: 新竹市、新竹縣、台北市

成交件數: 0

受邀次數: 12

專長: # 英文翻譯 # 排版打字 # 空間設計


1. 文件中翻英或英翻中
2. 英語skype家教: 會話練習、作文修改
3. Indesign 書籍排版
4. 代幫老公徵3D Max繪圖案件(作品詳看連結:http://case.518.com.tw/workroom-works-2045542.html)

IELTS分數:Reading 8分,平均6.5(滿分9分)、TOEIC分數:875分 、普考領隊人員、丙級中餐烹調技術士、人身保險業務員、金融市場常識與職業道德

--Academic Background--
09/2005-06/2009 Double majored in : Business Administration / Psychology
College of Management,
Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan

08/2002-06/2005 National Chu-pei Senior High School (Average of all subjects including Mathematics: A)

--Extracurricular Activities and Awards--

21/May/2008: Permanent Member of BGS (Beta Gamma Sigma)

07/Feb/2008-10/Feb/2008: Participated in the “Beta Gamma Sigma 2008 Student Leadership Forum” in Atlanta (USA) in representation of College of Management of Fu Jen Catholic University

********: Received four Presidential Awards for my academic performance (with average scores topped among the highest three in the class)

13/Oct/2007: Joined the 13th Foreign Affairs Training Camp “Guides of Surviving Globalization” held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the R.O.C.

02/Jul/2007-24/Aug/2007: Attended “Intensive 30 Course in International House Bath” (an intensive English training course) in UK, visited several cities like Oxford, Winchester, London, Stratford-upon-Avon and etc.

********: Cadre of Chu-You Association (a service-oriented club for students from Hsinchu County), Fu Jen Catholic University Assisted in PR, fund-raising, plan and implementation of a variety of student activities



老公3DS MAX作品,逼真度猶如照片,有意者也可接洽詢問。



Word、 PowerPoint、 Excel、 Windows 7、 SketchUp、 AutoCAD、 PhotoShop、 鼎新SmartERP、 中文打字150以上、 英文打字100~125、 Project、 InDesign、 Illustrator、 Corel Draw、 3D Max、 After Effects、 Premiere、 SOLIDWORKS、 SolidEdge、 PhotoImpact、 Flash、 PC。



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